Wednesday, May 20, 2009

the last exam of my life - part deux

Some students are the extra smart types. Some are plain duds. No no….not dudes….duds.
The extra smart types carry a fully efficient arsenal of scales, pencils, pens, erasers and what not. The duds….and the dudes carry just one pen and wield it around as if it’s a light sabre gifted to them from Death Vader. Both species are royal piss offs anyways.

So we got our answer sheets and every one started drawing their lines on the papers. I surely need a scale coz even a drunk guy would draw a straighter line than me without a scale. I saw every one drawing lines all over their sheets. The extra smart types do this to look extra extra smart. The dudes and the duds do this to either fill up the pages or to just wail away time and to avoid eye contact with the invigilator. Yes. Modern invigilators do have the ability to see right through our eyes and always manage to keep a check on our intentions by hovering around our benches.

There are times in your life when you feel really proud of yourself. For the past 2 years I have been clueless during my exams. Very often I was the first one to leave the class and I was the one responsible for all the sheets of paper that have been left blank.

But today it was a very different story. My hands moved smoothly along the sheet. My wrist hurt a lot and I felt piercing urge to just cut it off!

I never really expected this moment to come at any point in my life. But as I said – this day was different. One hour into my exam…..i raised my arm and yelled out …… SUPPLEMENT!!
There are times when this feeling of jubilation surges through your body like a current. This is just one of them. This was a word I hadn’t uttered for a long time now.
My friend sitting 2 benches ahead of me looked at me with a gaping mouth. I couldn’t blame him. It took him about 2 minutes to recover from the shock and get back to his paper.

To be continued…..

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